
Izra Artist Gallery

I Never Thought I’d Be So Attracted To A Fish

It was hard for me to make a small gallery out of this post. Something about Izra’s line style and and face expressions just gets to me. Mostly every Rule 34 challenge Izra has tackled has been amazing!

I shared almost every Mipha picture I ran across with you because I couldn’t believe how highly attracted I was. Zora’s have never been my thing trust me.

Aside from sexy Zora’s I really liked Izra’s attention to Bubblegum Princess from Adventure Time. The crossovers with Lapis from Steven Universe is hot!

Izra can be found on a lot of places online. The main places I recommend would be Hentai-Foundry, Izra’s Twitter, or Deviant Art. If you want to support this artist Izra has a Patreon account with an entry tier of $1 USD per month.