
Clannad Hentai Kyou & More in ‘Wisteria’ By Illustrator Ishikei

Ishikei Is A Long Time Favorite Of Mine! Always Great Work!

Clannad was one of those anime that I never sought lewded content for. I didn’t even know I wanted it, but then I found Ishikei’s work. Ishikei has been around seemingly longer than I’ve been looking at hentai, and has always produced top notch stuff!

Wisteria is a doujin/illustration book by artist Ishikei that is simply too good not to share. It features a few maidens from Clannad, mainly Kyou. These Kyou lewds though are absolute classics.

I’ve not been able to find a social media page for Ishikei, but you can find more works on nhentai. Ishikei has art books that are available for purchase online. Amazon currently has a few, but I am sure there are other places too.