
SaltyIceCream 6 Minute Succubus Test Animation

I Would Fail This Test Pretty Fast, Not Gonna Lie

Animator SaltyIceCream has released a 6 minute mini-pilot to an ongoing project I’ve seen teased for a while! I am happy to say that its worth the wait.

SaltyIceCream is known for many short animations featuring known characters. But, this is an original creation the artist has been working for a while and posting on Patreon.

The Patreon talks of a full 30 minute pilot someday based in a world named Succubus Forever. This to me would be really exciting to see. Unfortunately, a pretty much solo project like this would take a long time.

Be sure to check out the artists other works on Pixiv and Hentai-Foundry. Or stay up to date with SaltyIceCream on Twitter.