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Saying Goodbye To My First Instagram Account: I Lost Over 8k Followers

The writing was on the wall the whole time

My very first big Instagram account with over 8,000 followers finally got deleted this morning. Now lets be honest, it was an account promoting this website which is clearly against terms of services in more than a few ways.

I watched a lot of Youtube on how to build an account did all the tips and strategies to building an audience. The whole purpose was to promote this blog. Which really helped a lot!

Honestly, I knew going in that I would get deleted sooner or later. It was just exciting since I have never had any social media account get above 1,000 anything.

What Went Wrong

Look, its no surprise I got deleted. But I can offer a little more insight on what all went wrong. Posting adult content on Instagram is an obvious no no. I was getting strikes from time to time on posts that were very deserving of them.

I slowly started to weed out posts that were too risque and began to only post stuff that was completely censored but, still quite lewd. I got away with this for a really long time.

It wasn’t until I got my 6th strike that I started to get really worried about being deleted. I started up another backup account and announced to my followers that I would be slowly moving my main to a new account.

Within the first week I was already past 700 followers. I slowed down my posts quite a bit and began to do more blog work. It was then I started to only post when I had new blog content available.

At this point I had 3 lewd accounts all promoting this blog. It was too much for me to try posting different content on each one to keep it fresh, so I resorted to posting the same blog post promotion on each account.

That was when I got hit with my first spam strike. Somehow one of my accounts got a strike for ‘spam’ which was a first considering that my previous strikes were all for adult content of course.

I was bound to get deleted one way or another eventually. It was just a little sad since I was excited about having a social media account hit 10k. That would have been a first for me.

Going Forward

Ultimately, I spent more time managing my Instagram than I did building the blog up. It was just insanely easier to throw a couple posts up and call it a day, compared to the whole writing, tagging, uploading, and editing process of doing blog posts.

I learned my lesson though! Hentai is a niche that simply warrants the need for your own space. At any point corporate owned social sites can change their terms of services and completely eliminate their adult content audience. Take Tumblr for example.

My plan going forward is to put more effort into my blog and less on promotion and marketing. Like every YouTube guru says “Content is King.”

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more content in the coming weeks. If you are interested in post updates please sign up for my newsletter where you will get post notifications straight to your email.

Featured Image Artist: Rogerino