
Puni Ana F (Fellatio) Blow Job Simulator Toy

I’ll Be First To Say It. I’d Totally Put My Dick In That

I’ve shopped through these ‘blow job’ onahole toys before and never saw much of a difference between those and the vaginal ones besides the design on the outside. This is the first time I have seen one with an actual tongue inside it!

So I will be the first to say, I would totally try putting my dick in that. I am not sure how the fake tongue would end up feeling. I am guessing you’d have to use a lot of lube.

The toy scored a 4 out of 5 stars on popular blog The price point below $50 USD seems like a good deal to me.

Unfortunately this product has been discontinued, but until stocks last it is available shipped straight from Japan on jlist – click here

Featured Image Artist: mdf an